Tuesday, December 30, 2014

My Space


Thought I'd create this place to keep track of my 2015 365 day challenge. 

Although this is supposed to be a photography exercise. I do what I want! 

So...I am getting the prompts from a great website: http://captureyour365.com. But I give myself permission to use the prompts anyway I want. Also based on the name of this blog (also the future engraving on my tombstone), I give myself permission to skip any days or prompts I want.

January Prompts

1. Good Morning 2015!
2. Think over
3. Open Possibilities
4. A Reflection Of Me
5. Ensemble
6. Where I Stand
7. Solitude
8. My Gear
9. Multifaceted
10. Habit
11. White
12. Frost
13. A Pop of Color
14. Be Positive
15. First Taste
16. A Snowflake
17. Powdery
18. Balance
19. Space
20. Trio
21. Meal or Play?
22. Color Blocking
23. On the Third
24. Who And What
25. Resolve
26. Move
27. Nourishing
28. Play
29. Tethered
30. Commitment
31. One Done

Go ME!